New Faces In National's 2011 Party List
Peter Goodfellow
National Party President
September 2011
New Faces In National's 2011 Party List
National Party President Peter Goodfellow is pleased to announce University Lecturer Dr Jian Yang and community champion Alfred Ngaro will take up two 'list only' places on the National Party list.
The pair are among the list released by the National Party today, which features a balanced blend of candidates from all walks of life.
"We're very pleased Jian and Alfred have accepted places on our list. They will be exceptional candidates who are well known among their respective communities," Mr Goodfellow says.
A special meeting was held in Wellington yesterday, where the list was finalised.
"We're excited by the calibre of candidates that we're taking into the November 26 election. They represent a broad cross section of modern New Zealand and will serve the country and their communities well," says Mr Goodfellow.
Most recently Alfred Ngaro ran a strong campaign for a place on the Auckland Council, and continues to serve in a range of community related roles, which he has done for more than 20 years.
Formerly a pastor for the Tamaki Community Church, Mr Ngaro has also been a youth worker, community worker and he is a driving force behind the Tamaki Community Development Trust. He is on a number of national and regional advisory committees and governance boards. He also chairs the Pacific Health Committee of the Auckland District Health Board.
In 2009, Mr Ngaro was awarded a Sir Peter Blake Emerging Leader Award for his contribution to the Tamaki Transformation programme.
"It's a privilege to be part of John Key's team as New Zealand charts a clear course through the economic troubles that have swept the world. I'm looking forward to offering my grass-roots and community led development perspective as we deliver economic growth and innovative social investment, improved infrastructure and better public services," Mr Ngaro says.
Dr Jian Yang is a senior lecturer in political studies, associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and director of the China Studies Centre for the New Zealand Asia Institute at Auckland University. He is also chair of the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs.
His interests include China's foreign relations, foreign policy, Asian security, and Chinese politics. He has authored two books on China's foreign relations.
"New Zealand is the first developed country to sign a free-trade deal with China. It's an exciting time to be part of a Government that is determined to grow this enormous potential and improve its relations in the Asia/Pacific region. I want to be another effective advocate within Government for the growing Asian community in New Zealand and I'll be working hard in that community during this election campaign,” Dr Yang says.