New Resources To Raise Awareness Of Family Violence
New Resources To Raise Awareness Of Family Violence
Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment Tariana Turia has announced new resource materials to raise awareness about and address family violence been developed for Maori and Pasefika communities.
"These materials will reinforce activities already underway at the local level", Minister Turia said. "Local communities are leading the way in providing clear, consistent messages about building strong families and preventing and addressing family violence. These resources will help support that work".
The resources were developed with input and consultation from the Maori and Pacific communities. E Tu Whanau resources include a booklet, placements and posters that reinforce Maori values. The Pasefika resources include a poster and video clips supporting the campaign.
"It is great to see messages that are designed, delivered and led by leaders and influencers in both Maori and Pasefika communities," said Minister Turia.
E Tu Whanau is about creating a strong future for whanau hapu and iwi. "It is based on the notion that this will happen when Maori embrace te ao Maori concepts that reclaim our values, culture and tikanga," said Minister Turia.
"Pasefika Proud - Our families, Our People, Our Responsibility" is the branding for the work that supports all initiatives relating to reducing and preventing violence in Pacific communities and building strong Pacific families.