WTO Director-General to Visit New Zealand
Hon Tim Groser
Minister of Trade
3 August 2011
WTO Director-General to Visit New Zealand
Trade Minister Tim Groser will host Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, in Wellington this week.
“Director-General Lamy's visit comes at a critical point, when members of the WTO are considering how to progress the currently stalled Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations.”
“New Zealand is strongly committed to the multilateral trading system embodied in the WTO. We are actively supporting efforts to advance the Doha Round and I will be reinforcing this commitment to Director-General Lamy and offering what help I can.”
Lamy, who will be in New Zealand from 3-5 August, has held the position of Director-General since September 2005 and previously visited New Zealand in this role in March 2009.
While in New Zealand, Lamy will meet with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, as well as government officials and business leaders. Discussions will focus on the importance of the WTO's work and how best it can be advanced in the difficult global economic climate.