Industry training sector’s educational performance released
Hon Steven Joyce
Minister for
Tertiary Education
16 December 2010
Industry training sector’s educational performance released
The Minister for Tertiary Education, Steven Joyce, today welcomed the release of educational performance information for Industry Training Organisations.
“The release of information about ITOs provides a good summary of how they are performing, both for their industries, and for the country as a whole. It also provides an incentive for ITOs to improve their performance over time,” says Mr Joyce.
“The government is committed to making performance information about tax-payer funded organisations publicly available and earlier this year the TEC published information showing how universities, polytechnics and other education providers are performing.
“While industry training cannot be compared directly with other forms of education, as it is done on-the-job, and is episodic in nature, there is a clear challenge for ITOs to build ongoing improvement in the coming years.”
“The release of this performance information shows some organisations doing well, while there is considerable room for improvement in others.
“This underlines the reasons for recent changes, such as the policy settings around industry training, in order to lift performance and accountability.
“I am confident that ITOs are working hard to align with this Government’s message of improving performance, and I am aware that many have been taking steps already in 2010 to ensure their trainees are given the best possible chance to succeed.
“I look forward to seeing ongoing improvement in the coming years, not just among ITOs, but right across the tertiary education sector,” says Mr Joyce.