Hide hits new low
Phil Twyford
Auckland Issues
10 December 2009 Media
hits new low
Local Government Minister Rodney Hide hit a new low in credibility today with revelations about how little work he did on his world trip, says Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford.
"On a 12 day trip that cost the taxpayer tens of thousands of dollars, Rodney Hide spent only around 16 hours in portfolio related meetings but three whole days on a wedding and riding the rollercoaster at Universal Studios," Phil Twyford said.
“Rodney Hide is a Minister out of control. He has wasted tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayers’ money taking his girlfriend overseas.
"Now the Minister who preaches transparency and accountability has censored documents explaining his travel before he released them under the Official Information Act, blocking out 80% of the substantive content of his report to Cabinet on the basis that it might damage our international relations."
"Given the Minister's performance recently, I think the mere fact of him representing New Zealand overseas risks damage to our international relations."
“The Government's embarrassment over Mr Hide's conduct was evident in the House today when the blocked a request to put questions to Hide on his world trip.
“The details of Mr Hide's international travel come on top of the fact that John Key justified the fact that the second Auckland governance bill was rushed through the House under urgency because the Minister of Local Government had to go overseas.
“Mr Hide has said ‘the public can judge whether they get value for money from Rodney Hide MP/Minister’. I think that public will have little trouble judging whether Mr Hide delivers value for money on this evidence, said Phil Twyford.