Speak out and end violence against women
Hon Pansy Wong
Minister of Women’s Affairs
November 2009
Media Statement
Speak out and end violence against women
Women’s Affairs Minister Pansy Wong says White Ribbon Day events throughout the country are a strong statement that violence against women will not be tolerated in New Zealand.
On Wednesday November 25, White Ribbon Day, more than 500,000 New Zealanders take the stand of speaking out to end violence against women by proudly wearing a white ribbon.
“It is important that these ribbons are not just symbols of hope, but rather pledges of action – where people are committing themselves to take the stand to speak out to save their friends, family and colleagues from the horrors of domestic and sexual violence,” Mrs Wong says.
“The only way we can eradicate this scourge on society is if every New Zealander speaks out when they suspect that domestic or sexual violence is occurring. Too often, when someone is badly beaten – or worst, killed – friends and family will say they knew, but never spoke out until it was too late.
“Hindsight does not save lives; we must all act and White Ribbon Day is a great way for New Zealanders to show their support towards speaking out and keeping women safe.”
The National-led Government is committed to ending violence against women and we are ensuring that police have the staff, the tools and the legislative backing to eradicate domestic and sexual violence – including new legislation that allows police to issue on-the-spot safety orders to protect women.
“But these measures will not work to their full effect unless suspected incidents of sexual or domestic violence are reported to the police. By working together, we can ensure that women are able to feel safe in their own homes.”