Illegal street racing Bill passes third reading
Hon Steven Joyce
Minister of Transport
20 October
2009 Media Statement
Illegal street racing Bill passes
third reading
The Land Transport (Enforcement Powers) Amendment Bill that tackles illegal street racing passed its Third Reading in Parliament tonight.
Transport Minister Steven Joyce says the new legislation will send a clear message that New Zealanders will not tolerate dangerous and disruptive behaviour on their roads.
“Since becoming Minister I have heard from many New Zealanders who have been intimidated or have had their business or home life disrupted by illegal street racers. There is no doubt that this legislation will be welcomed by the community,” says Mr Joyce.
The legislation will introduce a number of measures for tackling illegal street racing and the anti-social use of vehicles. These include giving road controlling authorities powers to prohibit “cruising”, mandatory impoundment for vehicles involved in illegal street racing offences, and increasing Police powers for dealing with illegally modified vehicles and breaches of the Graduated Driver Licensing System.
“We are taking major steps to improve New Zealand’s road safety to 2020 through the Safer Journeys strategy. This legislation will assist this work by giving Police and Courts greater powers to stop the extremes of dangerous and anti-social behaviour shown by some road users.”
The provisions in the Enforcement Powers Bill complement measures in the Vehicle Confiscation and Seizure Bill which is being progressed by the Minister of Police. The Enforcement Powers Bill is planned to come into force on 1 December 2009, following Royal Assent.