Minister guilty of racial stereotyping of Maori
Kelvin Davis
Associate Education
20 October 2009 Media
Minister guilty of racial
stereotyping of Maori
The Minister of Education Anne Tolley fell back on racial stereotypes of Maori today in an attempt to justify cuts to Adult Community Education, Labour Associate Education spokesperson Kelvin Davis says
“The shambolic and ill thought out cuts to night classes will negatively affect Maori trying to get back into formal education, but rather than address this serious issue the Minister fell back on outdated and ridiculous stereotypes of Maori,” Kelvin Davis said.
“Anne Tolley’s statement that ukulele playing wasn't going to help Maori to get into education shows the Minister's contempt for Maoridom by reinforcing the tired old racial stereotypes of Maori sitting around partying and strumming a ukulele.
“It was a statement to further the myth being spread by Anne Tolley that night classes are just hobby courses.
“New Zealanders should be able to rely on the Minister of Education to take seriously their concerns about cuts to the education sector, but instead today they saw an arrogant Minister who resorted to negative racial stereotypes and misleading statements to score a few cheap points in Parliament.
“Maori need to start asking ourselves how does this answer from a government Minister enhance our Mana?