Dunne endorses documentary significant to 1080
Dunne endorses documentary significant to 1080
UnitedFuture leader Peter
Dunne has endorsed the anti-1080 documentary Poisoning
Paradise: Ecocide in New Zealand as a meaningful
contribution to the debate around the use of the
controversial poison in New Zealand.
“This film is a must see for those on either side of the 1080 debate and anyone who is passionate about the future wellbeing of New Zealand’s backcountry,” said Mr Dunne.
“The film-makers, Clyde and Steve Graf, have done an incredible amount of research, sought expert scientific opinion and shot some truly thought-provoking footage,” he said.
Mr Dunne, who appears in the film, says that while some people may not agree with all of its findings, most will recognise 1080 poison, particularly that which is aerially applied, is an indiscriminate, untargeted killer deserving of a far greater level of public scrutiny and accountability.
“Personally, I do not support the aerial application of 1080 poison, whether it be for TB control or pest management. I believe such operations are not only irresponsible in the extreme but also expose many animals to needlessly cruel, inhumane deaths.”
“Quite rightly a lot was made of the plight of pregnant sows in sow stalls earlier this year; however the appalling conditions inflicted on those pigs do not even come close to the blatant cruelty of an aerial 1080 operation. The horrendous amount of suffering prior to an animal’s death should alone be enough to put a stop to this barbaric practice.”
“I encourage anyone with an interest in outdoor recreation, conservation or animal welfare to see this film; it is definitely an eye opener to what is truly going on in 100% pure New Zealand,” said Mr Dunne.
Poisoning Paradise: Ecocide in New Zealand is being shown in Wellington at the Paramount Theatre, Courtney Place, Sunday 30 August, at 6.00pm. The film is also available on DVD through http://www.thegrafboys.org/.