Reduced border funding will hinder fight against P

Published: Fri 29 May 2009 02:25 PM
29 May 2009
Media release
Reduced border funding will hinder battle against P
Reduced funding for border surveillance in the Budget will only make it easier for people to smuggle ingredients to manufacture P into the country, says Labour’s Biosecurity spokesperson Damien O’Connor.
“The $3.5M cut to Surveillance and Incursion Response from the Biosecurity Appropriation and an additional cut to Customs’ Surveillance Search and Containment funding is a shocking decision by the National Government at a time when our borders are under increasing pressure.
“And it makes a mockery of the Prime Minister’s claims he wants to get on top of the methamphetamine problem,” said Damien O’Connor.
“As the Pharmacy Guild pointed out today, border security gaps are already responsible for people getting their hands on imported ingredients to make the drug. It believes precursors obtained this way are a greater problem than over the counter sales of pseudoephedrine.
“Reduced surveillance powers will only exacerbate this already terrible problem.
“Any increased threat to our borders by reduction in funding for biosecurity measures will inevitably lead to more unwanted pests and organisms that threaten our biologically-based economy.
“Yesterday’s Budget is a slap in the face for the hardworking officers and staff who protect our borders.”

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