Minister thanks Maori Party for Treaty support

Published: Fri 29 May 2009 01:34 PM
Hon Christopher Finlayson
Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations
29 May 2009 Media Statement
Minister thanks Maori Party for Treaty support
Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson today thanked the Maori Party for its assistance in helping secure more resources to accelerate the settlement of historical Treaty of Waitangi grievances.
Budget 2009 announced yesterday included an extra $22.4 million over the next four years to achieve the Government’s goal of settling all historical Treaty of Waitangi claims by 2014.
The extra money, which included $22.2 million in operating funding and $133,000 in capital funding, will allow the Office of Treaty Settlements to conduct more negotiations faster, Mr Christopher Finlayson said.
It will also provide resources for extra facilitation and mediation assistance to claimant groups. These were core election policy objectives of both National and the Maori Party.
“The Maori Party and the National government enjoy an ongoing and open dialogue that enhances the mana of both parties, and helps secure better outcomes for Maori and all New Zealanders,” said Mr Finlayson.
“I would particularly acknowledge the invaluable contribution of Maori Party co-leaders Hon Dr Pita Sharples and Hon Tariana Turia, and Treaty of Waitangi spokesman Te Ururoa Flavell, in helping to progress the Treaty settlement process.”
“Reaching just and durable settlements of historical claims is a priority for the Government,” Mr Finlayson said. “Doing that in a timely fashion requires proper resourcing of the negotiators dealing with claimant groups.”
“Meeting our settlement goal is positive for New Zealand. Treaty settlements recognise the wrongs of the past, and also help iwi unlock economic potential and provide a welcome economic boost, particularly in regional and provincial areas.”

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