New Kaumātua for Parliament appointed
Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Hon. Dr
Lockwood smith
1 May 2009
New Kaumātua for Parliament appointed
Parliament’s new
Kaumātua is Rose White–Tāhuparae from Whāngānui, the
Speaker of the House, the Hon. Dr Lockwood Smith announced
The Kaumātua will manage the Māori component of all formal and important occasions, ceremonies, and events for the Speaker and his departments, the Office of the Clerk and the Parliamentary Service.
In accepting the role, the new Kaumātua said it was an honour to be formally appointed to the position.
“I will perform this role on behalf of the motu (nation) with humility and māna,” she said.
Her late husband Rangithi Tahuparae who was appointed in 2000 as the first Kaumātua Te Whare Paremata, died in October of last year.
Rose White–Tahuparae supported the role of Kaumātua, accompanying her late husband as kuia on formal and ceremonial occasions. She also managed administrative and coordinating functions relating to the role of Kaumātua.
The Speaker said he was very pleased with the new appointment.
“Rose has worked tirelessly in support of the Kaumātua and is held in high regard by the Māna Whenua of Te Upoko o te Ika (the Wellington region) who recommended she be nominated for the role.
“We believe the appointment ensures that the knowledge built-up over nearly a decade will be retained for the benefit of Parliament and I am sure she will be warmly supported in her role,” he said.
The position of Kaumātua will also support Kaiwhakaharite Māori while providing advice on Māori protocols and procedures and policies that relate to te reo Māori and tikanga Māori.
Kaiwhakarite for the Parliamentary Service, Kura Moeahu, said there is a high demand for tikanga Maori elements to be incorporated into ceremonies held at Parliament and it will be her role to oversee such ceremonies.”
He said the term Kaumātua can refer to an older male or female who is selected to perform specific roles and functions on behalf of the people. Support and participation from appropriate persons to perform the various roles in accordance with tikanga Maori will be coordinated by the new Kaumātua,” he said.