Ministers overturn industry and official advice
7 April 2009 Media Statement
Ministers overturn industry and official advice
The Government has ignored the advice of the broadcasting industry in confirming it has axed any further review of broadcasting competition, says Labour Broadcasting spokesperson Brendon Burns.
Brendon Burns says the decision of Broadcasting Minister Jonathan Coleman and Communications Minister Stephen Joyce blatantly contradicts advice they got on taking office.
“Officials told the Ministers about plans for a major review of broadcasting, to follow on from an initial discussion paper circulated around the industry,” he said.
Brendon Burns said the ministers were told that there was broad support for a set of principles to regulate and guide the industry through fast-developing market and technology changes specifically:
‘The paper’s analysis of potential risks faced by New Zealand broadcasting was generally accepted by submitters. These risks include: inconsistent or unclear regulation, a lack of competition, a loss of diversity in content, especially local content, a lack of investment and innovation, and consumer confusion.’
“Now the two Ministers have decided to override not just their officials but industry consensus that the challenges faced by the broadcasting industry need to be thoroughly assessed,” Brendon Burns said.
“Stephen Joyce, with a background in commercial radio, is supported by Dr Coleman, who thinks successful broadcasting is measured by how many channels are being received and how big an audience is attracted.
“Viewing broadcasting through this ideological prism leaves them blind to issues around real competition in the digital age or the loss of diversity in local content.”
Brendon Burns says the Ministers’ announcement confirms the Government’s agenda for an increasingly commercial broadcasting sector which give New Zealanders a shrinking view of their own country and identity.