Auckland Governance: Making a great place greater

Published: Tue 7 Apr 2009 02:14 PM
Hon John Key
Prime Minister
7 April 2009
Strict 1400 EmbargoMedia Release
Auckland Local Governance: Making a great place greater
The Government has announced high-level decisions on Auckland governance which will see the creation of a unitary Auckland council while protecting and enhancing community representation, says Prime Minister John Key.
“Our plan will allow Auckland’s civic leaders to think regionally, plan strategically and act decisively in a way that has not happened for the past six decades,” Mr Key said.
”All New Zealanders have an interest in the success of the Auckland region, which requires decisive leadership, robust infrastructure, and facilities and services to cater for its people.
“Auckland is an important engine for New Zealand’s economic growth. As such, it must have a simple and effective system for making regional decisions and implementing them smoothly.
“That’s what the new governance structure has been designed to achieve,” Mr Key says.
The Royal Commission on Auckland Governance found many of the things holding the region back related to the way the city was run. It explored problems that get in the way of people’s enjoyment, and sometimes make life difficult such as endlessly increasing rates, suffocating red-tape, transport bottlenecks, delayed development, and lost opportunities.
The Prime Minister says the new governance structure has to serve Auckland’s many local diverse neighbourhoods and its diverse needs.
“The Government has decided on a framework for governing the region which balances the need for elected representatives to be able to think strategically on behalf of the whole region, and for local communities to have a strong voice on issues closer to home.
“We have created a new strengthened entity called Local Boards which will advocate for their local communities.
“The combination of the new Auckland Council and the Local Boards will lead to better connections across the region, better value from rates and central government funding, and community control of what matters in our neighbourhoods.
“The Auckland region must be able to attract and keep people, operate efficiently, offer an unparalleled lifestyle, and enable business, arts, and sports to flourish.
“Auckland’s new governance plan is critical to the rest of New Zealand – because better governance will streamline the Auckland-region’s performance as an important engine room of economic growth. We all need the city region to work better.”
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