NZ gives $1 million to Red Cross work in Gaza

Published: Tue 20 Jan 2009 09:27 AM
Hon Murray McCully
Minister of Foreign Affairs
19 January 2009
NZ gives $1 million to Red Cross relief work in Gaza
New Zealand will give the International Committee of the Red Cross $1 million to support its humanitarian work in Gaza, Foreign Minister Murray Mcully announced today.
“This money will help the Red Cross provide urgently needed medical supplies and safe drinking water to the civilian population of Gaza, and to care for those affected by the conflict," Mr McCully said.
“There is a pressing need for humanitarian assistance in Gaza, and the ceasefire provides a window for aid agencies to provide that help.
“The situation on the ground remains fragile, but the current lull in fighting is a positive development, which we hope will lead to a lasting ceasefire agreement,” Mr McCully said.
New Zealand's contribution to the Red Cross will be made though the government's international aid agency, NZAID.

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