Maori Party wants action on war in Gaza

Published: Wed 7 Jan 2009 05:31 PM
Maori Party wants action on war in Gaza
Hon Tariana Turia and Hon Dr Pita Sharples, Co-leaders
7 January 2009
The Maori Party is calling on the government to take every step it can to try and help stop the killings taking place in Gaza.
Co-leaders Tariana Turia and Dr Pita Sharples have expressed their horror at the rising death toll in Gaza among innocent civillians, especially women and children
“It is terribly frustrating to see on television the hundreds of people being killed and injured without being able to do something about it, said Dr Sharples.
Mrs Turia said “It is particularly disturbing to see this unfolding in the region of the world where Christianity began, and to know that while we are celebrating the birth of Christ, families on the other side of the world are having members snatched away in a brutal and in my view unneccessary war.
“It is very frustrating to see world leaders pontificating while innocents are being slaughtered. This diplomatic stand-off will do nothing to foster long term peace in the region.”
Dr Sharples said that, while both sides need to take responsibility for their actions, the people of New Zealand also want to see clear statements and action from our government to secure peace in Palestine.
“I want our government to use all of the goodwill we have with the world's leading nations to bring this terribly disturbing loss of life and destruction of essential infrastructure to a halt.”

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