Light bulb ban ended

Published: Tue 16 Dec 2008 04:40 PM
Hon Gerry Brownlee
Minister of Energy and Resources
16 December 2008 Media Statement
Light bulb ban ended
Energy and Resources Minister, Gerry Brownlee, has told Parliament today the ban on traditional light bulbs is being lifted.
"This government has real concerns about telling people they have to move to energy efficient light bulbs by decree," he said.
“It has been well signaled and will come as no surprise that the government is lifting the ban on traditional or incandescent light bulbs,” said Mr Brownlee.
"We are committed to energy efficiency in the home and efficient lighting has an important role to play in helping us reduce the amount of energy we use, but this Government believes it is a matter of consumer choice.
“People need good, credible information about the different lighting options that are available to them, and then they can decide what is right for them in their homes.”
“Lifting the previous government’s ban on incandescent light bulbs simply means we are allowing their continued sale, and I am confident the consumer trend to energy efficient bulbs will continue,” said Mr Brownlee.

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