Briefing highlights need for RMA research
Hon Dr Nick Smith
Minister for the Environment
9 December
Media Statement
Briefing highlights need for RMA research
A strong consensus is building around the need for significant reform of the Resource Management Act according to Environment Minister Nick Smith.
“This briefing to incoming ministers from the natural resource sector’s ministries and departments usefully highlights the critical natural resource issues for New Zealand and reinforces the need for the new government’s programme of RMA reform.
“It is very significant that these ten agencies have recognised that there are practical problems under the current Act that are not meeting either New Zealand’s economic or environmental needs.
“This is a significant change from previous years when officials vigorously defended the existing Act and dismissed calls for change.
“We welcome this constructive advice. We have similar views about the extent of reform required, the need for legislative as well as other policy improvements, and the real need for greater central government direction.
“The briefings bode well for the RMA reform process. We have an ambitious programme to translate these sound sentiments into effective reform.”
Dr Smith said the
Government would announce before the end of the week the RMA
Advisory Group provided for in the National / Act confidence
and supply agreement.
Attached: Cross-departmental briefing on environmental sustainability (.doc)