Cullen must come clean on Mini-Budget intentions
Cullen must come clean on Mini-Budget intentions: Kiwi Party
Kiwi Party finance spokesperson Gordon
Copeland said today that Kiwis should be wary of Finance
Minister Michael Cullen’s plans for a December
‘mini-budget’, should Labour be returned to the Treasury
“We are at the sharp end of an election campaign and all parties have an obligation to inform the voters of their intentions,” said Mr Copeland.
“Yet, Dr Cullen is committed to a mini-budget next month but refuses to inform the electorate about exactly what he has in mind. Is he going to cancel the 2010 tax breaks as he did with those announced in 2005 but cancelled in 2007?
Is he seeking parliamentary endorsement for new borrowings, having spent the last many months criticising National’s plans to do that? The problem is that no one knows!”
“Now is the time to come clean, because we are just days away from the elections.”