Green Party - Advocate for the Arts
28 October 2008
Green Party - Advocate for the Arts
Green Party's artistic vision of the future - where artists
and the
arts are recognised and supported for the
contribution they make to New
Zealand - will be unveiled
in the Party's arts, cultural and heritage
policy launch
at Auckland's Imperial Hotel tonight.
Green Party Arts
Spokesperson Metiria Turei says the arts play
important role in New Zealand's economic as well as
cultural development
so it's vital to support, enhance
and develop the sector.
"Our arts culture is an integral
aspect of our national identity.
Investing in the arts is
a win-win situation on both social and economic
Mrs Turei says.
She is excited by the strong Maori aspect
of the policy, support for the
promotion of Maori art,
language and culture, and mechanisms for
artists in their careers.
The Green Party advocates a
range of measures to enhance New Zealand's
arts, cultural
and heritage sectors, including:
* Better protection for
historically and culturally significant
places and
* Valuing and protecting the unique heritage of Maori arts
* Increasing support for the arts sector to
ensure production of
quality music, films and arts
* Extending economic incentives for film
production to locally
written and produced
* Establishing an arts and cultural promotion unit
within the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
* Making donations to arts organisations tax deductible
* Ensuring copyright and digital rights of artworks are
by the artist
* Establishing a national fund
for earthquake strengthening of
heritage buildings
* The arts, culture and heritage policy is available at