Key more convinced of need for youth programmes
John Key MP
National Party Leader
3 October 2008
Key more convinced than ever of need for new youth programmes
National Party Leader John Key is more convinced than ever that his plans to give under-performing youths a fresh start will work, after visiting a course that is having success with young people.
Today he visited the Albany branch of the Advance Training Centre, a private training establishment that takes in students who have not done well at school.
“Advance is doing they type of thing I want to see more of.”
Advance says it has prepared recruits for the army, navy, air force and police, all of them teenagers who had not done well at school, by providing a culture of achievement with discipline. They are now providing students with NCEA Level 1.
“National sees this type of approach as a vital part of getting our youth to achieve more and also getting on top of youth crime.
“Providers like these might be able to take up my idea of Fresh Start Programmes for young offenders referred by the Youth Court, or to take on the young people who might choose our offer under the Youth Guarantee Scheme.
“These are vital parts of National’s plan to rescue our youth, and in light of the appalling youth crime statistics out this week, we need to do something, and fast.
“National’s Fresh Start Programme is designed to give young offenders a fresh start by giving them structure, routine, clear boundaries, intensive support, and a sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.
“The programmes will last up to one year and include up to three months of residential training. They will address the problems underlying a young person's offending, and may include drug and alcohol rehab, outdoor and physical fitness training, literacy and numeracy teaching, work towards NCEA credits and reinforcement of community values.
“Our Youth Guarantee will provide a free educational entitlement for all 16- and 17-year-olds to gain school-level qualifications, and is aimed at teenagers who might be more motivated to learn in a non-school setting.
“Young people, more than anyone, will determine the future shape and prosperity of New Zealand.
“National’s plans will
give them purpose in their lives – and we all benefit from
See National’s Youth Justice Policy:
National’s Youth Justice Policy: