Hide: Talent, Guts And Vision

Published: Wed 18 Jun 2008 11:59 AM
Talent, Guts And Vision
Rodney Hide MP
Tuesday June 17 2008
Speech to ACT New Zealand Hutt South Candidate Launch; Petone Workingmen's Club, Udy Street, Petone, Lower Hutt; Tuesday , June 17 2008
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
It's great to be here, and equally terrific to see such a good turnout to celebrate the launch of Lindsay Mitchell's political career.
I am amazed and impressed at the calibre of the candidates that we have been able to attract. And there is no better example of a great candidate than Lindsay Mitchell - a smart and passionate woman who cares enough to seek out the truth and speak it.
One of the most principled people I know, Lindsay is tireless in her efforts to help make New Zealand the great place to live that we all know it could be. Not just for herself, her husband Dave and her children Samantha and Robert - but for all New Zealanders.
As such Lindsay has worked tremendously hard to help find solutions to some of the enormous obstacles facing New Zealand, especially those problems that are having a detrimental impact on the lives of some people in this country.
One of these problems is entrenched welfare dependency. Lindsay Mitchell has made herself New Zealand's foremost commentator on Social Welfare, and knows more about the destructive effects that welfare dependency has on people than anyone else in Parliament.
Let me be clear about this, though. I'm not talking about 'beneficiary bashing' - that's a populist train for other Parties to ride. I'm talking about real policies and solutions to help those stuck in the poverty trap that successive governments have consigned them to and then left them there to languish in.
Lindsay isn't just a theoretician; she works at the coal face. She knows the problems and difficulties people face because she works at the individual level too.
To that end, Lindsay has been tireless in her commitment to changing New Zealand's political landscape. She will never ever give up, and her strength and dedication make her exactly the sort of MP we need in Parliament
Away from the political front Lindsay Mitchell has private and commercial pilot licences, is a skilled musician and is a fabulous artist whose talents extend far beyond her analytical ability.
This is a big year for ACT. It's election year - a huge opportunity for us. Up until now, ACT in Parliament has consisted of me, and Heather Roy - undoubtedly the hardest-working MP in Parliament today. Our aim this election is to add to our numbers, make Roger Douglas Minister of Finance and get Lindsay Mitchell to Parliament.
ACT's not about playing games, we're about achieving goals. That's why we've already released our 20-Point Plan - our strategy to take New Zealand forward and improve Kiwis' standard of living to beat Australia - so that Kiwis throughout the country can be clear about what we stand for and what we will do.
The 20-Point Plan makes ACT unique: we are the only Party that has a comprehensive set of policies and REAL goals.
ACT's goal is for New Zealand to beat Australia by 2020 - economically, socially and politically. That goal alone sets ACT apart. What makes us even more unique is that we mean what we say and will keep our promises we have the 20 point plan to deliver it.
Beating Australia means an extra $500 a week in the average wage. That's how far we have slipped behind. We can't boost wages $500 by carving up the cake like Labour does. That will only deliver a few dollars a week to some at the expense of others. We can only deliver $500 a week by baking a bigger cake. That's what ACT's policies will do. It's Roger and ACT's 20 point plan that are bringing ACT good candidates.
Lindsay Mitchell is a perfect example of the terrific candidates that ACT has attracted this election year: one who will bring our children home; one who has the guts to do what's right and who will NEVER give up.
Ladies and gentlemen I am proud to lead a Party that can attract candidates like Lindsay Mitchell, and I just want to say that it is an enormous privilege to be here tonight to launch her political career.
With candidates like Lindsay Mitchell, our goals are that much nearer; that much more achievable. We're on our way.
Thank you.

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