Corrections inquiry long overdue

Published: Wed 16 Apr 2008 01:14 PM
Simon Power MP
National Party Justice & Corrections Spokesman
16 April 2008
Corrections inquiry long overdue
National’s Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, is delighted he has finally got the inquiry into the Corrections Department that he has been seeking for more than two years.
Parliament’s Law & Order Select Committee today voted for a wide-ranging inquiry.
“There’s absolutely no doubt that a full and wide-ranging inquiry into Corrections is desperately needed.
“It has been very clear for several years that this is a department that has been badly run by a succession of Ministers.
“It has been a litany of disasters, bumbles, and stumbles – ranging from the huge overspend of the Regional Prisons Development Project budget and continuing questions over spending on consultants and prisoner transfer, to the Burton and Ashley disasters, to staff shortages and dysfunction, and the lack and failure of rehabilitation courses – you name it.”
The inquiry will cover:
- Work in prisons.
- Drug and alcohol rehabilitation, rehabilitation in general, and provision of mental health services.
- Head office structure and relationship with prisons.
- Employment of new officers.
- Review of security.
- Role and effectiveness of Parole Board and Probation Service.
- Review of pre- and post-release programmes.
“At long last the Parliament will get a chance to get past the Labour Government’s spin and get into the department’s inner workings.
“It’s crucial we get it right.”

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