National policy on third party election ads
Bill English MP
National Party Deputy Leader
10 January 2008
National policy on third party election advertising
National Party Deputy Leader Bill English says that through election year National will not be endorsing any third party anti-Government advertising campaigns.
“Those who want to participate in the political process should make sure they comply with the law,” Mr English says.
“National’s opposition to the anti-democratic provisions in the Electoral Finance Act is well known, but we believe everyone should comply with the law.
"Our focus will be on running the most effective party-vote campaign we can within the provisions of the new law. Other political parties will of course have the same objective - and that's as it should be in our democracy.
"There is also increasing speculation through the media that a number of groups will form themselves as so-called third parties under the Act to campaign against Labour.
“That's a matter for those individuals and groups to consider. But National will not be endorsing any such campaigns.”
Mr English says the strongest possible signal is to be sent throughout the National Party organisation that third parties will not be authorised or endorsed by National in election year.
“That includes the websites, and publications by third parties. When National issues material it will be because we are proud of it. We will put our names to it and we will have our logo on it.
“We want to be judged by the public on the basis of our policies, not what third parties may have to say about the Labour Party.
“Our advice to third parties has always been consistent; they should seek advice and operate within the law.”
Mr English is moving to clarify National’s position in light of email traffic (attached) from a third party advising National of plans to run an anti-Government campaign.
“We do not endorse this campaign, and we’ve made that clear to them.”
Attached: . Email from ‘third party’ – 1 page

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