Hodgson still silent on open uni access
Dr Paul Hutchison MP
National Party Tertiary Education
14 December 2007
Hodgson still silent on open uni access
National’s Tertiary Education spokesman, Paul Hutchison, says Pete Hodgson must come clean over his stand on open entrance to universities.
“The Minister can no longer hide over restricted or open access to the country’s tertiary institutions.
“Labour must decide what its policy is. Is it going to bar thousands from the chance of higher education, as outlined in the tertiary education reforms, or is it not?
“Pete Hodgson told the Association of University Staff conference that ‘the Government does not intend to end the New Zealand tradition of open entrance to universities’.
“So which is it? The Minister has been eerily silent since making those comments, refusing to clarify his position to the Education Review, which was forced to publish without his comments.
“Is Labour subconsciously saying they will allow open entrance to universities, but might change their mind? Does Labour intend to have restrictions on courses at only some universities, like Auckland and Victoria?
“Pete Hodgson has failed to attend any of the debate on Labour’s tertiary reforms since becoming Minister.
“Universities need clarification now. To allow
the Minister to disappear into the holiday break without
committing Labour to a firm policy would be a