Spotless should get out of NZ Hospitals
Spotless should get out of NZ Hospitals
“Hospital contractor Spotless should get out of NZ Hospitals as their bullying approach to their workforce shows they have no place in our taxpayer funded public health system” said MP Mark Gosche today.
“Up and down the country our public hospitals have been disrupted, the workers have been locked out, patients and other staff are affected just so this company can add to its profits at the expense of some of the lowest paid people in NZ.
“The government provided District Health Boards (DHBs) with funding to cover a decent pay rise for these workers many of whom barely earn the legal minimum wage of $11.25 per hour but Spotless are refusing to pass this money on.
“Every DHB and the other hospital contractors have agreed to pay but Spotless has instead locked these vulnerable workers out disrupting hospital services and leaving them on the street with no pay.
“Spotless have proven with this behaviour that the only thing they add to the running of public hospitals is an ability to bully workers in to accepting lower wages thus keeping the costs down for DHBs.
“The DHBs should cancel the contracts with Spotless, take the work back in house and save the profit margin this company sends back to its overseas owners.
“I see no reason for having this type of company involved in the delivery of public hospital services as they add no value at all.
“The elected DHB members in the boards that employ Spotless cannot hide behind convenient legalities and say it is none of their business what Spotless does with their employees. The DHBs pay the bills and decide whether to contract to these companies or not. They should tell Spotless bluntly to pay like everybody else is or get out of the public hospital business” Mark Gosche concluded.