Jacqui Dean indulging in political grandstanding
Jacqui Dean indulging in political grandstanding
Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton today dismissed Otago MP Jacqui Dean's intention to introduce a private member's bill seeking an amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act aimed at banning BZP. "She is once more indulging in political grandstanding over the issue of BZP."
Jacqui Dean has said that she is frustrated at the lack of action on the issue and that there is no reason for the minister to delay. "Perhaps Mrs Dean doesn't subscribe to the idea that any Government must balance the need to act promptly with its responsibilities to act fairly and follow due process, particularly where its actions affect those who are currently acting within existing legal constraints," Jim Anderton said.
"At the end of last year I received advice and a recommendation from the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (EACD) that benzylpiperazine (BZP) and related substances should be classified as Class C1 drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.
"I then published that advice to make sure the public is aware of the risks of taking BZP and to allow them to take their own steps to minimise harm. (And let's not forget that we have already taken some steps to legislate on this issue by imposing a preliminary cautionary regulatory regime under the Act.)
"Following the advice from the EACD, I called for submissions on the issue, which are now being considered. I expect to receive a recommendation on the appropriate course of action next month. I will then make my recommendation to Cabinet. If I decide that a classification is warranted, legislation changing the classification of BZP is one of the options that will be considered.
"All of these processes must be followed to comply with the laws that Parliament has made and which are subject to judicial review. I am bound by law to comply with the steps laid down in the Misuse of Drugs Act if a substance appears to be harmful or subject to abuse. Far from delaying matters, I am following the appropriate legal process, and doing so at the fastest possible speed. No other legal process is available to me and certainly not to Jacqui Dean."