Government turns blind eye to methyl bromide risks

Published: Tue 3 Apr 2007 05:12 PM
3 April 2007
Government turns blind eye to methyl bromide risks
The admission today from Biosecurity Minister Jim Anderton that he has no idea how many fumigation facilities using the highly toxic gas methyl bromide are situated near schools is extraordinary, the Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.
In response to Parliamentary questions this afternoon Mr Anderton admitted the government had no idea how many of the more than 6000 transitional facilities are located within 500 metres of schools.
"Mr Anderton claimed the effort and cost involved in identifying how close to schools the 6119 transitional facilities where methyl bromide fumigation may have occurred in the last year would be prohibitive," Ms Kedgley says.
"I'm appalled that the Government doesn't see this as important, and frankly, I find the Minister's cavalier attitude disturbing.
"Methyl bromide is a highly toxic and odourless gas, and should not be permitted to be used near schools," Ms Kedgley says.
"Cursory investigation by the Green Party shows at least four schools situated within 500 metres of methyl bromide transitional facilities in just one suburb in Auckland - Otahuhu School, Otahuhu College, Kings College and Calvin Christian School.
"The Minister appears not to be concerned that children in these schools may be exposed to harmful concentrations of this highly toxic and odourless gas," Ms Kedgley says.
"This is particularly concerning, when there is no monitoring of methyl bromide concentrations, even in residential areas and near schools.
"Effectively, the Minister admitted he had no idea how many students, schools, and suburbs are at risk of exposure to methyl bromide, and rejected any idea of requiring companies to recapture the gas - an effective technology used overseas.
"The Greens believe that methyl bromide fumigation should only be permitted in dedicated sites that are located in industrial zones, and only on the condition that all the gas used is recaptured," Ms Kedgley says.

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