Bush's body language on trade says it all

Published: Thu 22 Mar 2007 10:57 AM
John Key MP
National Party Leader
22 March 2007
Bush's body language on trade says it all
Helen Clark may have raised trade with President George W Bush but his body language when the subject was raised in front of the media said it all about New Zealand's chances, says National Party Leader John Key.
"It's clear that Helen Clark didn't even have trade at the top of the agenda when I criticised the lack of progress on an FTA before she left.
"The fact that she didn't have it high on her mind is unbelievable, and it's clear that she only raised it in the US because National raised the issue.
"And President Bush's reported reaction when trade was raised in front of the cameras after their meeting today speaks volumes.
"We have no hope of getting a trade deal before the next US presidential elections in 2008.
"This is a huge foreign policy failure by the Helen Clark-led Labour Government.
"She's had more than seven years to advance the relationship so we could at least get on the waiting list. But Labour has failed to even get New Zealand that far, while countries like Guatemala, Oman and Jordan - not to mention Australia - have jumped ahead.
"Instead, Helen Clark and her Labour Ministers have spent their time using anti-Americanism to play to a domestic audience in attacks on National - like Trevor Mallard's 'US bagman' allegations before the 2005 election.
"It's attacks like these that have seen no progress made on a free trade agreement - and Helen Clark has only herself to blame."

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