Community funding for family violence prevention
30 November 2006
Community funding for family violence prevention
Social Development Minister David Benson-Pope today welcomed the launch of new funding to support local communities in helping prevent family violence.
The $500,000 Community Action Fund, announced in Budget 2006, is part of the ongoing national campaign aimed at preventing family violence.
“It is vital to have community action as part of the national campaign to change attitudes and behaviour to prevent family violence. Communities know what works locally and they need support to turn their ideas into action,” said Mr Benson-Pope.
“The campaign recognises that people need support to change their behaviour from those living around them, and community projects supporting this change will be eligible for the fund.”
The fund is based on the successful SKIP (Strategies with Kids: Information for Parents) Local Initiatives Fund, which has supported over 120 community-based positive parenting projects over the past three years.
A Community Action Kit, full of ideas for setting up community projects, will be supporting the fund. The kit covers everything from how to involve local mayors, through to facilitating meetings and ideas for action. The kit has been tested in communities to make sure it is useful and accessible.
“Family violence is an issue that all New Zealanders must own. Prevention requires strong leadership nationally and locally. The Community Action Fund will mean community solutions for community problems,” Mr Benson-Pope said.
The first round of the Community Action Fund closes in mid-February and a second round will be held in June 2007. Further rounds will be held over the next four years. Each project can receive up to $30,000.
Application forms and further information are available on the Family and Community Services website