Ministers aren’t doing their jobs
Ministers aren’t doing their jobs
National Party Deputy Leader Gerry Brownlee says Labour Ministers have shown they are alarmingly out of touch with what’s happening in important areas affecting New Zealanders’ lives.
“This is just not good enough. Helen Clark must tell these Ministers to pull up their socks.”
In Parliament today, the acting Minister of Health confirmed he had not read an Auditor-General’s report in which it is revealed that there is real difficulty establishing how large sums of scare health dollars have been spent.
In the same question time, the Immigration Minister revealed he had no information about an investigation into serious allegations within his department, even though the inquiry was initiated under his watch.
“The Health Minister and his associates should be all over the Auditor-General’s report, and you’d think David Cunliffe would be up with the play on an inquiry launched on his watch.
“These Ministers are abdicating responsibility for serious issues. If they aren’t prepared to do their homework they should step aside in favour of someone who will,” says Mr Brownlee.