Judith Tizard welcomes One Auckland proposal
Hon Judith Tizard
Minister for Auckland Issues
8 September 2006
Judith Tizard welcomes One Auckland proposal
Auckland Issues Minister Judith Tizard today welcomed the One Auckland proposal put forward by the four Auckland metro mayors.
"I'm impressed with the proposal – one plan, one voice and an agreed direction would address the current issues and help get Auckland working effectively", she said.
"The proposal for a Greater Auckland Council, with clearly defined responsibilities, would provide enhanced regional government as well as good local government."
The key points of the plan are:
- Greater Auckland Council (GAC)
- A directly elected head of the GAC
- Representation on the GAC by the Mayors of the Auckland Region cities or councils in conjunction with directly elected and/or appointed representatives.
- A redefining of the responsibility of the current cities and councils into the "delivery arms" of the GAC, albeit allowing these entities to have distinctive local identities that reflect individual social, environmental, economic and cultural characteristics
- Reconsideration of the number of cities or councils, their boundaries and urban limits, while appreciating that this may need to come after the transitional arrangements have been put in place.
- The use of well structured CCO's (Council Controlled Organisations) reporting directly to the GAC to run regional structures such as Ports of Auckland, Watercare, ARTA, Emergency management, Parks etc, maximising business expertise and minimising political interference.
- A common rating system and shared services between councils.
"We need to move the constraints which have held Auckland back. The One Auckland plan would help to do that.
"I support any move which helps Auckland to become an internationally competitive world-class city."