Minimum Wage and Remuneration Amendment Bill
Darien Fenton MP -
Minimum Wage and Remuneration Amendment Bill
A new member's bill which seeks to provide protection for contractors has been launched by Labour MP Darien Fenton.
"I am delighted my Minimum Wage and Remuneration Amendment Bill has been drawn - it will fix an anomaly in our law which allows contractors to be paid below the minimum wage for their services." said Ms Fenton
The drawing of this member's bill is timely after Minister of Labour Ruth Dyson on Wednesday noted the National Party had brought the gap in legislation to the attention of the House and invited them to support any moves to enact protection for contractors.
"Contractors have few of the protections enjoyed by employees, and are able to be paid at rates which are less than the minimum wage," said Ms Fenton.
" This Bill seeks to amend the Minimum Wage Act 1983 to extend its provisions to apply to payments under a contract for service. It will provide for contractors to be paid at no less than the minimum rate, equivalent to the minimum wage. This rate can be either on an hourly or a piece rate basis."
"I am quietly confident my bill will pass into law, judging by the National Party's apparent concern for workers, specifically contractors, as evidenced by their statements in and out of Parliament.
"I look forward to the National Party putting its money where its mouth is and supporting my Bill," said Ms Fenton.