Mallard re-writes history
Katherine Rich MP National Party Economic Development Spokeswoman
05 July 2006
Mallard re-writes history
"Trevor Mallard continues to display why he must never be Finance Minister with his blatant attempt today to re-write history," says National Party Economic Development spokeswoman Katherine Rich.
In a statement about the Enterprise Training Programme Mr Mallard claimed that a recent 'evaluation found it worked well - both in terms of training and also by giving firms good opportunities to network with each other'.
"He is simply wrong. He's deliberately misleading the public - again," says Mrs Rich.
That recent report actually found:
* There was a lack of data for a thorough evaluation.
* There was inadequate research to prove efficacy of the programme. * The impact of training on clients was not measured.
* There was no standardised approach to assessment of providers.
* There were no learning outcomes specified for participants.
* There were a high number of no-shows of participants booked on courses - mainly due to zero cost.
* A claim that the spill over into private training was unknown - this is one objective of the programme.
* And a claim that the programme does not crowd out private providers despite one provider's comment and independent research to the contrary.
Mrs Rich says Trevor Mallard should try being more honest with the public for a change.
"Enterprise training cost taxpayers $9m last year. If Mr Mallard wants to make it better, he needs to face up to its failures as well as its successes," says Mrs Rich.