Cunliffe welcomes Brash broadband commitment

Published: Thu 18 May 2006 04:22 PM
Cunliffe welcomes Brash broadband commitment
Communications Minister David Cunliffe has welcomed a commitment by National Party leader Don Brash to "support the unbundling legislation… at least as far as the select committee".
"National's commitment in principle to the proposed Telecommunications Amendment Bill represents a positive step forward to their development of a coherent National Party policy," Mr Cunliffe said.
The bill will implement the broadband telecommunications stocktake package the minister unveiled as a pre-Budget package on 3 May.
"While others might see it as ironic that Dr Brash's pledge during his Budget speech today is at least the fourth different position from National on this important issue in recent weeks, I would rather welcome it.
"Enabling an advanced broadband infrastructure is critical to New Zealand's economic transformation.
"This Labour-led government has had the fortitude to make some tough decisions that will benefit all New Zealanders.
"It is pleasing to see that even the Leader of the Opposition in his Budget speech now shares our view of the future.
"It will be interesting to see if Don Brash's caucus takes the same view as their current leader."

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