Budget 2006: Investing in Mâori Potential
Hon Parekura Horomia
Minister of Mâori
Investing in Mâori Potential
Budget 2006 introduces new steps that underline the government's innovative approach to improving the social and economic well being of Mâori, said Mâori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia today.
Budget 2006 reallocates $23.9m from existing spending to three new investment areas to better position Mâori to build and leverage off their collective human, financial and natural resources (Rawa), traditional and contemporary knowledge (Mâtauranga), and skills and leadership capability (Whakamana).
"We've seen tremendous improvements in Mâori education, employment and health status. We have helped to build capability in Mâori communities, now its time to direct that capability to best effect. Over the next five years a window of opportunity exists for Mâori to build on the achievements of the past decades.
The government will target the following
• Investment in building knowledge and growing
skills and talents and generating innovation and creativity
(Matauranga). These investments will build greater
financial literacy in Mâori communities, link opportunities
to portray Mâori culture on an international stage with
economic development opportunities, and will transfer
capability to future generations;
• Investment in strengthening leadership and decision-making (Whakamana) recognising that Mâori success relies on their capacity to lead, influence and make positive and confident decisions that result in benefits for themselves and others. These investments will revive community pride and link Mâori to key economic and social transformation processes within our society;
• Investment to assist Mâori to use, develop and retain their own assets (Rawa) for collective and individual benefit. These investments will use available resources as a tool for greater participation in business and enterprise, and will strengthen whanau and hapu links to assist community development.
“We are confident these new steps will make measurable gains to improving the quality of life for Mâori through the development of new knowledge, skills and expertise of Mâori people," said Parekura Horomia.