Doctors should keep Mum about homebirth concerns
Turia says "Doctors should keep Mum about their homebirth concerns"
Tariana Turia, Co-leader of the Maori Party
Tuesday 16 May 2006
"Doctors have to stop undermining midwives and the choice that some mothers may make as to where they birth" stated Tariana Turia, Health spokesperson for the Maori Party.
Mrs Turia was responding to reports from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist who called the initiative of the British Government to support the case for homebirths, "ludicrous and dangerous".
"The continuing practice of doctors to 'medicalise' pregnancy and the birthing process fails to provide constructive support to pregnant women" stated Mrs Turia. "Indeed, for the majority of women, birthing is a normal and safe procedure".
"A number of my grandchildren have been home births and what a joyous occasion it has been for the whole whanau to be able to be present to support and also to ensure that mum is safe and secure in making the choice of home birthing" stated Mrs Turia, a grandmother of 24, and great-grandmother of five.
"Many women of my age would welcome the support provided by midwives today" said Mrs Turia.
"It's time for some mutual respect in the obstetrics profession so that every woman can choose with confidence where she wants to birth and whom she wants alongside her as a lead carer".