Labour's "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card
Labour's "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card
Rodney Hide Friday, 17 March 2006 Press Releases - Crime & Justice
ACT Leader Rodney Hide has expressed disappointment, but no surprise, that New Zealanders will not get an explanation from Labour over their taxpayer-funded pledge card.
"What does a Labour Minister need to do to get prosecuted?" Mr Hide asked.
"The police also found a prima facie case against Helen Clark in 2002, after she signed a painting that she didn't paint.
"Also in 2002, the Commerce Commission was called in over a suggested alliance between Qantas and Government-owned Air New Zealand.
"Then in 2004 the Prime Ministerial motorcade was caught speeding, but Ms Clark let police officers take the rap.
"More recently, police found a prima facie case against David Benson- Pope, but decided not to prosecute.
"There are two laws in New Zealand and Labour Ministers carry with them a 'get out of jail free' card.
"Here's a government that passes laws at the drop of a hat, but thinks they only apply to other people.
"It's wrong that Helen Clark and the Labour party are constantly put above the law that everyone else in New Zealand has to obey", Mr Hide said.