It can’t be that hard to understand, Bill
6 December 2005 Media Statement
It can’t be that hard to understand, Bill
“Bill English’s claims that the government has backed away from a decision in June to sack the council of Te Wânanga o Aotearoa miss a crucial point,” Tertiary Education Minister Michael Cullen said today.
“They miss the fact that the membership of the council has now reduced from 14 members to five. The residual council has been working effectively with the Crown Manager, Brian Roche, and has taken a number of decisions to address the issues raised in the Auditor General’s report.
“I am satisfied with the current council’s performance and with the direction they are pursuing.
“Accordingly, I have decided not to continue the process to appoint a statutory commissioner at this stage. But I have made it very clear to everyone concerned that I will be monitoring progress closely and that I reserve my right to use the options available to me should that prove necessary.
“Surely that can’t be too hard for Mr English to understand,” Dr Cullen said.