Maharey welcomes education role

Published: Thu 20 Oct 2005 09:28 AM
Hon Steve Maharey
Minister of Education
19 October 2005 Media Statement
Maharey welcomes education role
Steve Maharey says he is delighted with his new role as Education Minister and determined to build on the significant gains made under the previous two Labour-led governments.
"Education is a personal passion and the top priority for this government in our drive to build a knowledge based economy and society," Steve Maharey said
"I will be setting very high expectations for the education system to equip all young New Zealanders for a demanding future. We intend to let nothing block the way to higher standards and greater achievement for our children.
"I strongly believe our education system should be accountable to parents and the wider community. Where students don't meet expectations appropriate intervention will be available, teachers will be supported to achieve the very best, and employers will know that the basics are taught alongside the skills that industries need.
"We will continue to take a collaborative approach, working with all of the key players in the sector.
"We have a busy programme of work for the next three years, which will include moving to 20 hours free early childhood education for all three and four year-olds; continuing to lift literacy and numeracy standards, and building confidence in the senior school examination and assessment system.
"I look forward to working closely with Dr Cullen in his role as Tertiary Minister and linking this portfolio with my Research, Science and Technology and Crown Research Institutes roles."

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