Ministerial portfolios allocated

Published: Wed 19 Oct 2005 12:46 AM
19 October 2005 Media Statement
Ministerial portfolios allocated
Prime Minister Helen Clark today announced a major reallocation of ministerial portfolio responsibilities.
Helen Clark said that the government was renewing and refreshing itself for the third term in government.
"Experienced ministers need new challenges and we have a significant number of new ministers to fill the slots of those retiring," said Helen Clark.
Key changes in allocation follow: -
- Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen continues as Minister of Finance and Leader of the House, as well as becoming Minister for Tertiary Education.
- Third ranked minister Jim Anderton takes on the major primary industry portfolios of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, together with biosecurity. I am keen to see a more strategic focus by government on how we work alongside these major industries which are critical to New Zealand's economy and export profile.
- Steve Maharey will become Minister of Education and Minister Responsible for the Education Review Office, while retaining the science portfolios and broadcasting.
- Phil Goff's huge experience and credibility in international relations will be invaluable in his new portfolios of Defence, and Disarmament and Arms Control. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has a substantial trade component which Phil Goff will take responsibility for as Minister of Trade, and as Minister for Trade Negotiations when Jim Sutton retires from the portfolio at the end of the year. He also continues as Minister of Pacific Island Affairs.
- Annette King becomes Minister of State Services, including the co-ordinating responsibility for race relations, and Minister of Police. She continues as Minister for Food Safety, and she will act as an associate to Phil Goff in his Defence and Trade roles.
- Trevor Mallard becomes Minister for Economic Development, Industry and Regional Development, and State Owned Enterprises, while continuing as Minister for Sport and Recreation and Associate Minister of Finance.
- Pete Hodgson becomes Minister of Health and retains Land Information.
- Parekura Horomia continues as Minister of Maori Affairs with a range of associate portfolios.
- Mark Burton becomes Minister of Justice, Minister Responsible for the Law Commission and Minister of Local Government, and continues as Minister in Charge of Treaty Negotiations and Deputy Leader of the House.
- Ruth Dyson becomes Minister of Labour, and continues as Minister for ACC, Senior Citizens, Disability Issues, and as Associate Minister for Social Development (Child Youth and Family Service.)
- Chris Carter becomes Minister of Housing and continues as Minister of Conservation and Ethnic Affairs.
- Rick Barker becomes Minister of Internal Affairs, Civil Defence, Veterans Affairs, and continues as Minister for Courts.
- David Benson-Pope becomes Minister for Social Development and Employment, and Minister for the Environment.
- Lianne Dalziel becomes Minister of Commerce, Minister for Small Business, and Minister of Women's Affairs.
- Damien O'Connor becomes Minister of Corrections, Minister of Tourism, and continues as Minister for Rural Affairs and Associate Minister of Health.
- David Cunliffe becomes Minister of Immigration, continues as Minister of Communications and of Information Technology, and will be an Associate Minister for Economic Development.
- David Parker will be Minister of Energy, Minister of Transport, Attorney General, and Minister Responsible for Climate Change Issues.
- Nanaia Mahuta will be Minister of Customs, Minister of Youth Affairs, and Associate Minister for the Environment and Local Government.
- Clayton Cosgrove will be Minister for Building Issues and Statistics, and Associate Minister of Finance, Immigration, and Justice.
- Jim Sutton will continue as Minister for Trade Negotiations until the end of the year.
- Judith Tizard continues her existing responsibilities as Minister of Consumer Affairs and as an associate across a range of portfolios, as well as becoming Minister Responsible for Archives New Zealand and for the National Library.
- Dover Samuels will continue his existing associate ministerial responsibilities.
- Harry Duynhoven continues as Minister for Transport Safety and Associate Minister of Energy.
- Mita Ririnui's responsibilities are unchanged.
- Winnie Laban becomes Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector with associate ministerial responsibilities in Pacific Island Affairs, Social Development and Employment, and Economic Development.
- Mahara Okeroa becomes an Associate Minister for Social Development, Arts, Culture and Heritage, and Conservation.
Ministers outside Cabinet from other parties with confidence and supply agreements are as already announced.
- Rt Hon Winston Peters: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Racing, and Associate Minister for Senior Citizens.
- Hon Peter Dunne: Minister of Revenue, Associate Minister of Health.
Helen Clark said the Commission Opening of Parliament will be on Monday 7 November, when MPs will be sworn in.
The State Opening and Speech from the Throne will be on Tuesday 8 November.
The House will have tributes to the late David Lange on Wednesday 9 November, and will begin the Address in Reply Debate on Thursday 10 November.
Ministerial List for announcement
19 October 2005
Other responsibilities
Rt Hon Helen Clark
Prime Minister
Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Ministerial Services
Minister in Charge of the NZ Security Intelligence Service
Minister Responsible for the GCSB
Hon Dr Michael Cullen
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Finance
Minister for Tertiary Education
Leader of the House
Hon Jim Anderton
Minister of Agriculture
Minister for Biosecurity
Minister of Fisheries
Minister of Forestry
Minister Responsible for the Public Trust
Associate Minister of Health
Associate Minister for Tertiary Education
Hon Steve Maharey
Minister of Education
Minister of Broadcasting
Minister of Research, Science and Technology
Minister for Crown Research Institutes
Minister Responsible for the Education Review Office
Hon Phil Goff
Minister of Defence
Minister of Trade
Minister of Pacific Island Affairs
Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control
Associate Minister for Trade Negotiations
Hon Annette King
Minister of State Services
Minister of Police
Minister for Food Safety
Associate Minister of Defence
Associate Minister of Trade
Coordinating Minister, Race Relations
Hon Trevor Mallard
Minister for Economic Development
Minister for Industry and Regional Development
Minister for State Owned Enterprises
Minister for Sport and Recreation
Associate Minister of Finance
Hon Pete Hodgson
Minister of Health
Minister for Land Information
Hon Parekura Horomia
Minister of Maori Affairs
Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment
Associate Minister of Education
Associate Minister of State Services
Associate Minister of Fisheries
Hon Mark Burton
Minister of Justice
Minister of Local Government
Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations
Deputy Leader of the House
Minister Responsible for the Law Commission
Hon Ruth Dyson
Minister of Labour
Minister for ACC
Minister for Senior Citizens
Minister for Disability Issues
Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF)
Hon Chris Carter
Minister of Conservation
Minister of Housing
Minister for Ethnic Affairs
Hon Rick Barker
Minister of Internal Affairs
Minister of Civil Defence
Minister for Courts
Minister of Veterans’ Affairs
Hon David Benson-Pope
Minister for Social Development and Employment
Minister for the Environment
Lianne Dalziel
Minister of Commerce
Minister of Women’s Affairs
Minister for Small Business
Hon Damien O’Connor
Minister of Corrections
Minister of Tourism
Minister for Rural Affairs
Associate Minister of Health
Hon David Cunliffe
Minister of Immigration
Minister of Communications
Minister for Information Technology
Associate Minister for Economic Development
David Parker
Minister of Energy
Minister of Transport
[Includes responsibility for Serious Fraud Office]
Minister Responsible for Climate Change Issues
Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Customs
Minister of Youth Affairs
Associate Minister for the Environment
Associate Minister of Local Government
Clayton Cosgrove
Minister for Building Issues
Minister of Statistics
Associate Minister of Finance
Associate Minister of Immigration
Associate Minister of Justice
Hon Jim Sutton
Minister for Trade Negotiations
Hon Judith Tizard
Minister of Consumer Affairs
Minister Responsible for Archives New Zealand
Minister Responsible for the National Library
Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Associate Minister of Commerce
Associate Minister of Transport
Auckland Issues
Hon Dover Samuels
Minister of State
Associate Minister for Economic Development
Associate Minister for Industry and Regional Development
Associate Minister of Housing
Associate Minister of Tourism
Hon Harry Duynhoven
Minister for Transport Safety
Associate Minister of Energy
Hon Mita Ririnui
Minister of State
Associate Minister of Corrections
Associate Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations
Associate Minister of Forestry
Associate Minister of Health
Winnie Laban
Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector
Associate Minister of Pacific Island Affairs
Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment
Associate Minister for Economic Development
Mahara Okeroa
Minister of State
Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment
Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Associate Minister of Conservation
Rt Hon Winston Peters
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister for Racing
Associate Minister for Senior Citizens
Hon Peter Dunne
Minister of Revenue
Associate Minister of Health

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