National will hold new government to account

Published: Mon 17 Oct 2005 06:20 PM
National will hold new government to account
National Party Leader Don Brash says the onus is now on Helen Clark to hold her coalition government together.
“Clearly National is disappointed it did not get enough of the Party vote at the election to form a government. We wish Helen Clark good luck in holding this coalition together and governing in the interests of all New Zealanders.”
Dr Brash says National looks forward to the resumption of Parliament at the earliest opportunity, when Helen Clark’s mandate will face its first test.
“On behalf of the New Zealand public, we will keep this Labour-led Government honest.
“I will be leading a vigorous Opposition committed to promoting policies which are of benefit to all New Zealanders, and opposing policies which cater to narrow sectional interests.
“The National Party went into this election committed to reducing the tax burden carried by hard-working New Zealanders, committed to ensuring that all New Zealanders, regardless of race, are equal before the law, committed to a radically improved education system, committed to welfare reform, and committed to safer communities.
“We will continue to push those policies because we believe that they are in the interests of all New Zealanders,” says Dr Brash.

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