Hide leading in Epsom - Roy Morgan poll

Published: Thu 15 Sep 2005 04:12 PM
Hide leading in Epsom - Roy Morgan poll
Rodney Hide
Thursday, 15 September 2005
Press Releases - Other
ACT Leader and Epsom candidate Rodney Hide today said he was pleased but not surprised by the result of a Morgan poll that shows him leading in the race for the battleground seat.
The poll of Epsom voters has ACT's Rodney Hide on 39 per cent, National's Richard Worth on 33 per cent, Labour's Stuart Nash on 11 per cent and other on 5 per cent, 12 per cent remain undecided.
"Today's poll mirrors ACT's own polling which showed me closing the gap between myself and Richard Worth, and indeed overtaking him," Mr Hide said.
"TVNZ's poll in Epsom last week was simply wrong. They asked the electorate question that they use for their nationwide polls and didn't mention the name of the candidates. That poll screwed the scrum and was inherently undemocratic as it so heavily biased the result. TVNZ should be reporting the news not trying to direct the election result with suspect polls.
"Here we have a poll done by one of Australian's leading pollsters who has extensive experience in political polling over 30 years.
"This result confirms ACT is back. Epsom voters understand that to ensure a National-led government they need to give Rodney Hide their electorate vote.
"Richard Worth's high placing on National's list means he will return to Parliament no matter what the outcome of the election in Epsom.
"Epsom may well determine the result of the election. It is the most important electorate in the country this election. The choice couldn't be starker. Either three more years of Helen Clark and a Labour-Green government, or a National-led government under Don Brash.
"Epsom voters know that by voting for Rodney Hide they can get Richard Worth, me, the ACT team, tax cuts, plus a National-led government.
"I'm not resting on my laurels, there's still a full day of campaigning to go. But the message I'm delivering to Epsom voters is tick Rodney Hide to change the government," Mr Hide said.
The poll can be found on and http://

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