Complaint laid over smear campaign

Published: Mon 5 Sep 2005 08:26 AM
Complaint laid over smear campaign
The Green Party has lodged a complaint today with the Chief Electoral Officer over a pamphlet that appears to be part of a smear campaign.
Green Party National Campaign Manager Russel Norman says the party believes the leaflet, authorised by Stephen Win of Favona Road, Mangere, breaches several sections of the Electoral Act.
"Providing false information to voters breaches section 218(2)(b) of the Act,' Dr Norman said.
"Democratic systems only function in the context of the circulation of true facts or fairly held opinions. If lies and misinformation overwhelm this, it is very difficult for voters to make decisions in a free and unimpeded manner.
"Effectively, those involved in this leaflet bet more than $100,000 on their ability to distort the democratic process. Only by prosecuting those involved can a message be sent to others who would do the same," Dr Norman said.
Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons said the smear campaign appeared to be the work of those who wanted destroy the good reputation of both the Greens and Labour.
"But by lying and distorting the truth the authors of this devious pamphlet had broken the law.
"This kind of campaign smacks of the tactics used against political parties by their opponents in Australia and the United States. It is underhanded and needs to be stopped.
"An investigation by the Chief Electoral Officer will expose who is behind this campaign."
"Meanwhile, we are urging voters not to be sucked in by this rubbish," she said.

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