Dunne: Time for Nats/ACT to face reality
Media statement
For immediate release
Monday, 29
August 2005
Dunne: Time for Nats/ACT to face reality
United Future leader Peter Dunne says the time is fast approaching for the National Party to realise that the days of taking advice from ACT and its backers are over.
“I have already said that United Future will be happy to talk with National about its tax cuts package, because we already agree on important issues such as the 30% rate of company tax and the shifting of the tax brackets.
“But I make it absolutely clear that if the price of those negotiations is to see the slashing of social services in health or education, as advocated by Ruth Richardson and Sir Roger Douglas, then we will not take part.
“United Future’s role in any future government is to pull either of the major parties back from the extremes.
“ACT, with its ideological rigidity, can’t do that and nor can New Zealand First, with its xenophobic nationalism; only United Future, the moderate centrist party, can work with either of the major parties for the good of the whole nation.
“National and ACT voters will have to face the fact that if they want to shut out a Labour/Greens coalition and see a centre-right government, then they’ll have to start listening and talking to United Future – and giving us their party vote,” concluded Mr Dunne.