Brash's agenda exposed

Published: Mon 29 Aug 2005 10:14 AM
28 August 2005
Brash's agenda exposed – can we have real answers this time Dr Brash?
It is time for Don Brash to front-up to New Zealanders with the truth about the agenda behind his election bid and the people who are paying for it, says Cabinet Minister Steve Maharey.
"It is now clear from emails leaked by his own party that Dr Brash is cooperating with, and receiving support from proponents of the hard-right, including Roger Douglas, Ruth Richardson, the Business Roundtable and others," Steve Maharey said.
"These people represent an agenda that most New Zealanders have already rejected. They are the people who brought us asset sales, the Mother of All Budgets and benefits cuts and who openly promote the privatisation of health and education. This is the real Brash agenda, and what he would put into practice if he got into power.
"There has been a creeping feeling throughout the campaign that Brash had a hidden agenda. This was evident from what he said as much as what he denied, changed his position on, or claimed not to recall – whether it was asset sales, our nuclear free policy, logging of native forests, sending troops to Iraq, or the privatisation of our schools and health system.
Steve Maharey said that now the evidence was in the public arena, Dr Brash needed to front up to New Zealanders with the truth about his agenda.
"This time don't tell New Zealanders you don't know the detail or can't recall Dr Brash. It is the leader's responsibility to know who is paying for your campaign and what policies you have agreed to put in place if elected.
"So what is the real agenda for National if elected? Who are the donors that you believed you would attract money from when you told your caucus attracting money would be substantially easier with me as leader?
"Are some of the other donors the likes of Michael Faye and David Richwhite? How much have they given you?
"Can you once and for all put to bed the notion you're getting assistance from overseas?
"Roger Kerr appears to have been involved in policy development. Just how much influence is the Business Round Table having over National’s agenda?
"This is the last gasp of the hard-right, swinging in behind Brash because they know if they don't get their radical agenda through now it will be well and truly consigned to history with the re-election of a Labour-led government."

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