Smith lays Commerce Commission complaint over T1.2
Smith lays Commerce Commission complaint over
National Party Building and Construction
spokesman Nick Smith today lodged a complaint with the
Commerce Commission on the grounds that the T1.2 framing
timber surface treatment has been misrepresented to builders
and consumers.
“It is quite deceptive to market the product as treated timber without making it clear that the product is only a surface treatment and that 80% of the timber has no preservative,” says Dr Smith.
“Phone inquiries to hardware stores throughout the country show the H1.2 and T1.2 products are being sold as identical products, at the same price.
“Claims by Osmose NZ that the difference between the T1.2 and H1.2 products has been ‘clearly communicated down the supply chain’ are untrue. Promotional material makes no mention of the fact that the T1.2 timber is only surface treated.
“Consumers need to know what they are buying. My complaint to the Commerce Commission is that the promotional material for this product is misleading.
“In the wake of the leaky homes debacle, which saw thousands of New Zealanders lose the equity in their home from timber, consumers need plain honest facts about which timber is treated and which is not,” says Dr Smith.