Greens congratulate Nats on brash move
Greens congratulate Nats on brash move
The Greens are very happy indeed that National is demonstrating its commitment to public transport by choosing to send its MPs around the country in a bus, Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.
The 48-seat campaign bus, called the 'Natmobile', is to be unveiled tomorrow.
"The Nats are finally catching up with the Greens and realising that greater investment in public transport is the way forward for New Zealand," Ms Fitzsimons says.
"Don Brash and co are obviously putting their pockets where their policy is. After all, if they actually wanted to build more roads, they would surely have the courage of their convictions and be travelling around the country in a fleet of cars, each with only one person aboard. Maybe we could look forward to a Campaign Train next time around, once the neglect of the rail track that their privatisation in the 90s allowed has been fixed.
"Their Finance Spokesperson, John Key, was
obviously joking the other day when he said in the media
that 'you can never build enough roads'. Tell me John, how
would we expect to fill those roads if everyone followed
your party's example and caught a bus?"