Brash lies to Parliament
Brash lies to Parliament
Don Brash has lied to Parliament by repeating a falsehood first made publicly by Nick Smith on Friday.
The claim is that the United Nations was given an update on New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions for the period 2008 – 2012 in April this year. This is not true and the government issued a statement to correct Smith on Friday.
Now, with the situation having been publicly clarified by the government, Don Brash has repeated the false claim.
"The facts have been clearly set out and Don Brash has decided to repeat a false claim made by Nick Smith and National," says Acting Convenor of the Ministerial Group on Climate Change Trevor Mallard. "If Don Brash is incapable of telling the truth when it has been so publicly established, how can anybody believe a word he says?"
"Next he'll be saying that you can have massive
tax cuts and massive spending increases but that they won't
have to paid for by slashing public spending or loading up
the nation's credit card by taking on extra debt. Brash is
so desperate, he's prepared to ignore the truth to press his