Quality in education critical to Mâori success
19 May 2005
Hon Parekura Horomia Associate Minister of Education
Quality in education critical to Mâori success
Budget 2005 reflects the government’s determination to lift Mâori educational attainment, Associate Education Minister Parekura Horomia announced today.
"We want to see more young Mâori taking part in a range of learning and employment opportunities so they can actively participate in today’s world," he said.
"The increase in funding of $3.2 million over four years for Whakaaro Mâtauranga will maintain the Te Mana information programme and increase the number of Mâori liaison officers, pouwhakataki, working between communities and the education sector.
"Increasingly Whakaaro Mâtauranga is creating more opportunities for whânau, hapu and iwi to be more actively involved in what is happening in education. We need to continue working collectively together in our efforts to ensure Mâori success from early childhood, through schooling and at tertiary level."
Other budget education initiatives directly relevant to Maori include: $28.4 million to further expand the Early Childhood Discretionary Grants Scheme. This will fund the building of 55 to 65 more community-based centres over the next four years in areas of need; teachers of Mâori language will have more classroom release time to participate in professional development; and the student support package of $57 million will give Mâori further opportunities to participate in tertiary education.
"With more Mâori engaged in education at all levels our challenge is to continue lifting the level of study and qualifications being achieved and ensure all our students have the opportunity to succeed," Mr Horomia said.